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注册时间: 2019-01-17
帖子: 3

Your prey will then be Maplestory M Mesos for sale outside in the open, ready for you to pick off.Once you've been removed from a round, you are going to fall into spectator mode and watch the player who killed you, then the player who kills them. The temptation of course is to hit on the Return To Lobby prompt immediately and leap into a different match, but while you are still getting to grips with the game it pays to stick around and watch.
By following the players that survive late into the struggle, you are able to see what approaches they use and find new approaches to boost your skills for future battles.If you are in a named place, there's a high likelihood that you're not alone, so do what you can to remain stealthy. Crouching down keeps you slow and silent, meaning you can move around without drawing attention to yourself.
You will quickly hear anyone else that is around who's running or using their pickaxe to mine for funds, and in Fortnite having any sort of upper hand is always a fantastic idea.Footsteps, gunshots and other in-game sounds will feel a lot more immersive and it is going to be a lot easier to identify which direction they are coming from if you're wearing headphones. Hearing a different player before you see them is often half of the Fortnite approach, so give yourself an audio advantage.
At times you'll spot a load of loot simply lying on the floor, instead of in a chest or tucked away best site within a building. It is a indication that a poor soul was slain there, and although it might seem as an inviting way to nab yourself a few bandages and weaponry, be aware that the individual that murdered them may be lurking nearby ready to take you out too. Instead of merely diving headfirst in that loot, hang back and examine the scene and once you're 100% sure the coast is clear, you can go grab a number of that shiny stuff.
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