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年龄: 33
注册时间: 2016-01-13
帖子: 15
来自: china

in for too many surprises here. It's the same incredibly addictive, satisfying game on another system. One benefit of PSN is that you don't have to pay for the online service to play the online multiplayer mode, making this game even easier on your wallet. For the Peggle pros, the most interesting new features is the option to automatically upload a replay to YouTube. As if there weren't already a gigantic number of Peggle videos on YouTube.Peggle on PSN compares most closely to the Xbox Live Arcade version, as it includes the same multiplayer options. Owners of that edition won't need this one, but for anyone without a copy of Peggle, the multiplayer makes the console version the one to pick up. What's NotAs I said before, there's very little new here. The music is different from past versions, but that is a mixed bag at best. It's a bit more electronicsounding than it has been previously, and some of the songs are pretty fun while others inch into irritating territory.One thing that may irritate some is the presence of a button in the main menu that shortcuts to the PSN store to buy the Peggle Nights content. It isn't the default option, and it's above the others in the list so it's not going to result in accidental purchases, but no one likes to feel like they paid to be advertised at. On the bright side, the content is only $4.99 making it just half the price of the PC standalone version of Peggle Nights.Final WordYou know you want it. Or, you know you don't. If you already own it, there's nothing new here, but it's the same incredibly addictive game with all the noises and the Ode to Joy and all those great things, making it definitely worth picking up otherwise. Only with PS3's technologicaladvancements, such as the SPUs and Bluray and trade; Disc player, as well as newproprietary dedicated server architecture, can MAG deliver such revolutionarylargescale console gaming at 30 framespersecond with no lag. MAG is set in 2025 when the world'snations are supposedly at peace, but under the surface a war rages.
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