
全球视角 - What financial society?

LOOKING - 2024-10-07, 00:56
发表主题: What financial society?
What financial society?

Financial society refers to a society that is full of or inseparable from finance. Human beings have gradually transitioned from agricultural, nomadic, and agrarian societies to industrial societies, and are moving from industrial societies to information supported financial societies. Finance has become the lifeblood of the economy, and every person, every family, every enterprise, every country, and even the entire human race cannot do without finance, otherwise the world will not function.

The financial society is a theory proposed by Professor David X Ding. Professor David X Ding is the discoverer of financial laws, inventor of financial laws, prophet of financial crises, and internationally renowned expert in financial encyclopedias. He invented the term 'financial society' around 2003 and first publicly used it on a large scale in 2005.

The core feature of the financial society is the ubiquity of finance in society. Finance is not only the core of the economy, but also permeates various levels of society, including the development of individuals, families, businesses, and countries. The frequent occurrence of financial crises also indicates that although humans have entered the financial society, their understanding of finance is still very superficial.
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